John 11:27
She said to Him, "Yes, Lord, I believe You are the Christ,
the Son of God, who is to come into the world."

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Big Girl Pants

Rebekah and Sarah joined us in Reno on Saturday before Mother's Day. We were all so excited to be together.  Rachel and Nate have sat on Rebekah and Sarah almost constantly. Mother's Day was a lazy day that was so full it whizzed by at sonic speeds.  The girls fixed a full breakfast and cleaned up the kitchen with a little help from Nate.  We watched movies and talked constantly.  I miss that talk time with the girls.  The older two have grown and changed so very much.  It boggles my mind. 

So for this week most of us are all together running amok.   We have hung out doing the family nothing. 

We have traipsed south to the hot springs outside Bridgeport, CA.  After hiking and changing into swim suits, we soaked.  While soaking up the warm water we watched the snow fall in flurries all around the creek below Buckeye Rd.  It was so beautiful.  It was a lovely adventure finished off by quick changes, fun poses, and french fries.  

We then drove the mountain roads over to Placerville, CA.  That was an adventure.  A cold, snowy, nerve racking adventure.  Check out our visibility on the mountain roads.
Nate was unfazed.  
Rebekah was loving the views saying "I want to live here."  
Sarah says "I'd rather live at the beach." 
Rachel responds "I'm with you Sarah."
As for dear old cranky mom and dad, we were just trying to see the road and wondering if we should have used the snow chains.

We had breakfast at Mel's Diner in Placerville. It was really good.  The town was lovely.  We would have stopped to explore; but we wanted to get to Yosemite National Park and do our exploring. 

Between all of us we probably took 4 or 5 hundred photos in or near the park.  It was a great day.  I fully recommend visiting our National Parks.  Stephen and I have never been disappointed.  Our Park Pass has been very worth the money spent.  We found lodging and food in Sonora, CA and after a few pouts and grumps and scrapes we ended our day.  We ended with Nate, the youngest at 6, winning two hands of Quiddlers. 
 Yesterday we drove through the farms and fields of CA going north from Sonora through Stockton, Sacramento, and Truckee til we returned to Reno.  We stopped along the way for fresh strawberries out of a field on hwy 4 before Stockton.  The berries were so wonderful.  They disappeared quickly.  I spent the next few miles watching in vain for another fruit stand. 

In Sacramento, we continued a family tradition of sushi photos.  Rebekah found us a great sushi restaurant called Mikuni.  They had a gluten free menu and a children's menu.  

The next leg of our journey found me fast asleep.  I woke up 59 miles from Reno.  We stopped in Truckee and picked up a new CA map as well as other family luxuries.  The shops here were very boutique.  My mother would have loved, the Cooking Gallery, a kitchen store I browsed.  Then, we came back to the apartment in Reno.  Here we are are collapsed in various stages of exhaustion.  I think we are all happy we took the 760 mile drive.  All us big girls are all now on our computers blogging, organizing photos, or sorting mail and facebook.  
Stephen is searching for our dream airstream.  It is out there somewhere waiting for us.  The littles are playing the Wii.  We are ALL eagerly awaiting the pizza man.

Are you wondering about my title? 

Well it is mostly for me.  It is hard to gather under one roof children that are grown up.  I know they are smart and beautiful.  I know they make me and their father proud.  Yet, I sometimes forget they are grown.  I want everything to be perfect when we are together.  This strange urge will overcome my good sense and I will fuss for silly reasons over foolish things.  My feelings are important but we can't control our grown children.  I need to put on those big girl pants and let them be grown.  sniff sniff sigh I raised them to be strong, opinionated, controlling women.  I didn't figure they would sometimes try to control the world revolving around me. ARRGH I still have a lot to learn.  I know this: despite and perhaps even because of the the little spates of our mini vacation,  I love our girls.  I miss my Busy B.  and I am thankful for Stephen, Rachel, and Nate. I truly like living on the road. 

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